Word Sorts BUNDLE


This Word Sorts 100 Sort BUNDLE will solve your spelling practice problems and make your life easier!

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This Word Sorts 100 Sort BUNDLE will solve your spelling practice problems and make your life easier!

This Word Sorts 100 Sort BUNDLE will solve your spelling practice problems and make your life easier!

This Word Sorts 100 Sort BUNDLE will solve your spelling practice problems and make your life easier!

Word sorts are a powerful tool in an individualized approach to teaching spelling. Research shows that the best practices in spelling instruction tell us that:

  • spelling should be taught through word parts (such as with word sorts activities)

  • and spelling should be taught using spelling patterns – not a one-size-fits-all program or set of spelling lists.

Looking for a way to help your kiddos with spelling - A NEW WAY THAT WORKS?! Well, goodbye spelling lists and hello real, research based spelling instruction with word sorts!

These word sorts have been designed to be used during independent word work or spelling time in order to differentiate the learning for all children in your classroom or home!


Each of the 100 word sorts:

⭐️ includes two categories at the top with 8 words for sorting.

⭐️ are labeled for easy organization and management.

How to use these word sorts activities in a classroom (or at home!):

  • Make several copies of each word sorts page on cardstock and place the copies in a file crate. That way the word sorts are always ready for children to independently find the word part they are working on!

  • Using this list, spelling work time becomes completely differentiated because children are working on only the word sorts they have not yet mastered with these word sorts activities!

  • As they finish each word sort, they add a tally mark to their "Spelling Inventory Independent Practice Checklist" grid. This is our best spelling activity ever!! KIDS LOVE IT - NOBODY IS BORED - EVERYONE IS CHALLENGED AND TEACHERS & PARENTS SEE MAJOR GROWTH!


  • After they select their word sorts, children can complete these word sorts activities in many different ways depending on the materials and needs in your classroom/home.

  • Children can write categories from the word sorts in a notebook and sort the words by writing them down.

  • They could cut out the word sorts and glue them on construction paper as they sort.

  • Or, children can use an iPad app (such as a book creation app) to type the word sorts and drag them to the correct categories.

  • SUPER EASY - they can cut and sort and keep in baggies to keep practicing the sorts daily!

The options are endless but the work has been done for you!

Detailed instructions provided within the Word Sort BUNDLE! You'll love these word sorts and your kids will too!