Vocabulary Strategies
This Vocabulary Strategies dictionary (perfectly adaptable for middle or high school) was designed to accompany the vocabulary instruction in your classroom or for families to use at home.
Great vocabulary strategies teaching first involves teaching kids the purpose of learning new vocabulary – why it is important to learn it in context and how to use vocabulary strategies to figure out new vocabulary when we encounter it.
This Vocabulary Strategies dictionary (perfectly adaptable for middle or high school) was designed to accompany the vocabulary instruction in your classroom or for families to use at home.
Great vocabulary strategies teaching first involves teaching kids the purpose of learning new vocabulary – why it is important to learn it in context and how to use vocabulary strategies to figure out new vocabulary when we encounter it.
This Vocabulary Strategies dictionary (perfectly adaptable for middle or high school) was designed to accompany the vocabulary instruction in your classroom or for families to use at home.
Great vocabulary strategies teaching first involves teaching kids the purpose of learning new vocabulary – why it is important to learn it in context and how to use vocabulary strategies to figure out new vocabulary when we encounter it.
Use this for when you directly teach new words & as students come across them on their own while reading! Students can be asked to keep track of these new vocabulary words & this resource makes that EASY by giving them a place to fill these Vocabulary Strategies dictionary pages with vocabulary they encounter.
Putting them in alphabetical order just makes it easiest to go back & find the words later & keep it organized.
However, I do not recommend having students use these Vocabulary Strategies pages as “worksheets,” filling in one whole page at a time. Using them more authentically holds more power!
Use these vocabulary strategies to teach words in context – so along with texts they are reading in order to make teaching vocabulary strategies authentic & research based. You're likely already doing this!! This just gives students a place to jot those new words down as they learn!
This means they will likely be filling in these pages out of order. You'll be continually amazed at the way your students’ vocabulary strategies & knowledge increase after becoming more intentional about teaching vocabulary strategies & finding new words in text!
Yes, even middle & high school students make GREAT gains with vocabulary strategies instruction.
This Vocabulary Strategies dictionary resource (for Middle School or High School) includes:
⭐ A Student Cover Page
⭐ One page for each letter of the alphabet - formatted for new vocabulary words to be recorded with research based strategies
⭐ One blank vocabulary page to use when a letter page is completed
Teaching vocabulary strategies doesn't have to be complicated & it can even be authentic & fun!
Use these vocabulary strategies pages to keep track of new vocabulary words & enhance your vocabulary strategies teaching overnight with little to NO PREP!