Spelling Support BUNDLE
This spelling support BUNDLE is everything you need to get help your kids with spelling - in a way that is EASY to implement but also research based!
Goodbye spelling tests!!
This whole set will help you support your child with spelling skills at home as any parent looking to support your kiddo. They are also PERFECT for homeschooling or differentiating spelling instruction in any K-4 classroom!
This spelling support BUNDLE is everything you need to get help your kids with spelling - in a way that is EASY to implement but also research based!
Goodbye spelling tests!!
This whole set will help you support your child with spelling skills at home as any parent looking to support your kiddo. They are also PERFECT for homeschooling or differentiating spelling instruction in any K-4 classroom!
This spelling support BUNDLE is everything you need to get help your kids with spelling - in a way that is EASY to implement but also research based!
Goodbye spelling tests!!
This whole set will help you support your child with spelling skills at home as any parent looking to support your kiddo. They are also PERFECT for homeschooling or differentiating spelling instruction in any K-4 classroom!
The Differentiate Spelling Elementary BUNDLE is everything you need to get started to differentiate your spelling instruction with your students in your classroom or at home with your children!
This is an individualized approach to teaching spelling through the use of a spelling inventory primary through upper elementary!
This follows best practices in spelling instruction - that tell us that spelling should be taught through word parts and spelling patterns with a spelling inventory guiding that instruction. Goodbye spelling lists!
As a reading specialist (and mama!), I knew that giving the same spelling lists on Monday and testing those words on Friday was NOT best practice and did not work! I needed to figure out how to teach spelling words in an individualized way. And, I wanted to find a way to teach spelling strategies rather than teaching specific words. That way, students can use spelling strategies to spell many different words!
This is the perfect bundle to differentiate spelling instruction in your classroom or to help your child with spelling at home!
The Differentiate Spelling Elementary BUNDLE has all of the components to helping your students or children have different spelling "lists" and ways to give them opportunities for practice - that work:
⭐ The Spelling Inventory is both easy to use and effective as a spelling inventory assessment. It's designed to determine each child's word part knowledge through a developmental spelling inventory and to guide explicit instruction and independent practice. Using a spelling inventory acknowledges that there is not a one-size-fits-all program or set of spelling lists. A spelling inventory is a set of words that include common word parts. By asking children to spell these words on the spelling inventory, you will be able to gain insight on their word part knowledge – and the parts they need instruction on.
⭐ The Spelling Inventory Independent Practice Checklist is the perfect organizational tool for children to keep track of the word parts they are working on during independent spelling/word work time after first completing a spelling inventory with you. A spelling inventory the perfect way for you to get a baseline for your student/child and then use tools like this Spelling Inventory Independent Practice Checklist to guide your instruction.
⭐ The Word Sorts for Spelling 100 Sort Pack will solve your spelling practice problems and make your life easier as a teacher or parent! Word sorts are a powerful tool in an individualized approach to teaching spelling. The best practices in spelling instruction tell us that spelling should be taught through word parts (such as with word sorts activities) and spelling patterns – not a one-size-fits-all program or set of spelling lists.
These word sorts are designed to be used during independent word work/spelling time in order to differentiate the learning for all children or have extra spelling practice at home!
Each of the 100 word sorts includes two categories at the top with 8 words for sorting.
The word sorts pages are labeled for easy organization and management.
When using these word sorts activities in a classroom, you could make several copies of each word sorts page on cardstock and place the copies in a file crate. That way the word sorts are always ready for children to independently find the word part they are working on and your work is done for all year!
Use the Spelling Inventory Practice Checklist to know which spelling word sorts students need to work on based on data from the Spelling Inventory.
Using this list, the spelling work time is completely differentiated because children are working on only the word sorts they have not yet mastered with these word sorts activities!
As they finish each word sort, they add a tally mark to their Spelling Inventory Practice Checklist.
This is a wildly popular spelling activity - helping teachers, homeschool families, and parents working on spelling at home - all find the RIGHT fit for kids rather than teaching them all as though they are the same.
Perfect for classroom use, homeschool instruction & spelling practice for kids at home! Every resource comes with a detailed teacher/parent guide with directions!