Hi, I’m Katie!

Wife, Mama x3, Teacher, K-12 reading specialist, curriculum writer & entrepreneur. I believe education is the key to a better future and I’m passionate about making a MASSIVE impact in the world.

Fueled daily by ALL. THE. COFFEE and JESUS, I’m working just like you to calm the chaos and build a LOVE of learning in my home.

I LOVE sharing tips & tricks with educators & families to make LIFE EASIER… getting ALL kids LOVING LEARNING & being successful in school.

And I’ve got an abundance of RESOURCES HERE TO SUPPORT YOU.

Children of all ages can LOVE learning & be successful. YOU can help them get there. And in a way that makes life easier – not more complicated. I PROMISE.

Let’s change the world! And let’s start in our homes, educational programs & classrooms.

I’m praying for you & cheering you on!

Shop My Store

As an educator, I believe in research based practice, as well as authentic and engaging learning. Learning that is relevant for all kids and actually makes them WANT to be active participants.

As a mama, I believe in EASY.

I believe in classrooms and homes where children of all ages feel loved and fall in love with learning.

All my resources are designed with all of this in mind!

Visit my store and discover tools and worksheets that you can use in your classrooms AND homes as you inspire your children and students toward literacy success. You are doing good work. I’d love to support you.

Grab my FREE GUIDE for busy parents!

9 Steps to Calming the Chaos

A Must Have Family Guide to

Building a Love of Learning at Home

Need some routines, ideas, tips & strategies to get those kids loving learning? Wish building a love of learning was EASY?

This checklist-style, easy-to-follow guide will support you as you help your children LOVE LEARNING in a way that is EASY FOR YOU & helps you Calm the CHAOS!

The Literacy Camp

The Literacy Camp is where kids LOVE reading & writing – even if they never have before! Avoid summer learning loss with valuable literacy instruction delivered in a FUN summer camp way!

Serving families in Michigan with summer day camps & serving educators who wish to start their own literacy camps in their communities!

Want to stay connected?

Drop your email below to receive tips & encouragement from me as you inspire literacy success…and let’s be real…as you keep all the plates spinning and the kids learning!

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